The Search Engine Battle – Part 2 * This time it’s Bing

Search Engine Battle - what aboujt Bing?

The search engine battle is alive and well and this time it’s Bing. You definitely want to read Part 1 of this series before you peruse this one. You’ll find it HERE. In that post, I gave a list of the advantages and disadvantages of Google Search. In this post, we’ll cover Microsoft’s Bing search.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Let me quote from Part 1: “As is true with most things in life, each of these search engines has its share of advantages and disadvantages. It’s going to take a number of posts to go over each search engine.” Let’s have a look at Microsoft’s Bing Search.

Bing Search Advantages

  • Image and Video Search. You might choose Bing because of its superior image and video search capabilities. It provides more visually appealing results and organized image galleries. It can be useful for users looking for multimedia content.
  • Rewards Program. If you like rewards for searching, Bing might be just for you! There’s a rewards program called “Bing Rewards” (now known as Microsoft Rewards), where you can earn points for using the search engine. You can then redeem the points for various rewards.
  • Integration with Microsoft Products. If you use Microsoft products such as Windows, Microsoft Edge browser, or Office suite, Bing is often integrated into these platforms, providing a seamless search experience.
  • Rich Media Homepage. Bing’s homepage is often visually engaging and showcases stunning daily images. It can add an aesthetic touch to the search experience.
  • Map Integration. Bing Maps provides users with a robust mapping service, which can be useful for navigation and location-based searches.

Bing Search – Disadvantages

  • Search Results Accuracy. Google has been known for its more accurate and relevant search results compared to Bing, which sometimes might lead to less satisfactory search experiences.
  • Market Share. Bing’s market share is significantly smaller than Google’s, leading to fewer indexed web pages and a potentially narrower range of search results.
  • Less Developed Voice Search. Google has been at the forefront of voice search technology, while Bing’s voice search might not be as developed or as widely adopted.
  • Fewer Advanced Search Features. Bing may lack some of the advanced search features and search operators that Google offers, limiting precise searches for specific information.
  • User Habit and Integration. You may not see a reason to switch to Bing, If you are already accustomed to Google’s search interface.

The Search Engine Battle – Next Up

In the next post, we’ll look at the DuckDuckGo search engine.