Happy 25th Birthday Google!

Happy 25th Birthday Google! Today, September 27, 2023, marks the 25th birthday of Google Search.

The Good

I can’t tell you how many times Joyce and I use Google Search during a week. I’d hate to have to figure the total amount. There is no doubt that Google Search has brought knowledge to our fingertips. It doesn’t really matter what subject we’re looking up, Google will provide answers to our queries.

Here’s a cute video Google published in celebration of 25 years of search:

The Bad

Although I use other search engines like Bing, Google Search often presents me with the best results. Of course, everything doesn’t fall under the “Good” category. Google Search is not without its haters. Why? Because people are sometimes put off/concerned about the amount of information that Google collects about our search habits.

While the idea of seeing ads for items we searched for seems okay on the surface, it can be annoying. Here’s a cartoon that was obviously created by someone frustrated with the ads:

Happy 25th Birthday Google! - cartoon about seeing ads after you've bought something

And The Ugly

Actually, I don’t have anything ugly to say about Google Search celebrating 25 years. I just thought it would be cool to make my headings in this post read “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!” 😂

However, on a serious note, you should check out Google’s special Doodle and other information about their birthday celebration by clicking HERE.

Happy 25th Birthday, Google! – Conclusion

I have customers who love Google Search and wouldn’t think of using any other search engine. At the same time, I have customers who hate having Google know what they are looking for. Many of these customers use DuckDuckGo since they don’t keep track of your search history.

Regardless of where you stand regarding Google Search, you would have to admit that it’s had a major role in advancing Internet usage. Besides, who doesn’t like to celebrate a birthday!!

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