
Yesterday, at our November live seminar, I talked about the app, Marco Polo.  One of those in attendance asked me if you could post your videos from Marco Polo to Facebook or some other app.  At the time, I wasn’t sure of the answer so I didn’t fake it.  I promised to get back to everyone after I had investigated.

According to Marco Polo’s help page, you can forward a video you created – you can’t forward any videos sent to you.  If you created the video, you can forward it to any of your other Marco Polo contacts or you can forward it in email and/or to other apps such as Facebook.

How do you do that?  You simply hold your finger down on the video you created and want to share.  From the menu which appears, you choose “Forward.”  Then, you can choose another Marco Polo friend or you can forward to some other app.  It’s easy – why not give it a try!